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Do You Possess a "Mysterious Strength?"

stretching legs in the rainWould the following story describe your superpowers? “A mob was about to riot in London. The chief of police, who radiated a mysterious strength, walked slowly toward the angry mob. When he reached the first row, the mob fell silent and opened ranks. He walked right through them, unharmed. The chief’s action was like releasing the air from a near bursting balloon.” 

The above story by Mark Link reminds me of the pandemonium surrounding our society and the coronavirus. Many take to social media, like a mob with a mob mentality, to share how bad things are, and only to get much worse.

Many decades ago, a survey was taken of medical doctors who were asked to answer one question. “Do you believe the mind and the body are connected?” 80% of the MD’s responded “No.” When speaking to a group of Mt. Lebanon high school students, 100% responded “Yes” to the same question about mind-body connection.

Today we know the mind and the body are connected. We now also know the mind is in every cell in the body. So, what about you. What messages are getting through from your mind to every cell in your body? Is it one of fear and doom or trust that you’ve truly done a great job of taking care of yourself?

Practice bringing your mysterious strengths out when needed. They are in there. While you are at it, be a source of strength to others.